
Sunday, December 13, 2015

Photos: UK was next on the list for the Paris attacks mastermind, Photos in terrorist’s phone show next target


A report in a UK newspaper revealed that Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the ringleader of the terror group whose attacks left 130 people dead, may have been looking to target the city after causing the devastating carnage in Paris.

 See picture below...

A source said, on Sunday that images were taken by Abaaoud, which meant he also was able to travel to the UK despite being the subject of an international manhunt, which started before the terrorist attacks in Paris last month.

Abaaoud was killed during a police assault just days after the Paris attacks and revealed he was in contact with people in the Midlands leading up to the attacks.
Along with the photos found in his phone, it is also believed a member of his terror group also visited Birmingham.
It was not revealed what the photographs on the phone showed specifically, but Birmingham is a hotspot in England and is the largest and most popular British city outside of London.

It’s known for its busy shopping district, sporting venues and the National Exhibition Centre.

The rumors circulating, claiming there was going to be an attack this weekend, but police quashed the suggestion.

West Midlands Police said they had seen rumours of this kind in the lead up to Christmas previously.

“The current security state across the country is at its second highest level- severe- meaning a
terrorist attack is highly likely,” a police statement said.

“We are working tirelessly around the clock with the business community and other partners to keep you safe and secure.

“Despite these unhelpful rumours currently circulating, we continue to ask people to remain alert but not alarmed.”

. The source quoted said phone calls made between Abaaoud and people in the Midlands and the photos made police come to the “frightening conclusion” that the terrorist wanted to bring the same carnage to the UK as he did Paris.

“If you get these kinds of [phone-call] links, and if you get photos, it leaves you to a pretty inevitable conclusion … it does point to a certain direction, does it not?” the source said.

It is believed an urgent review is now underway after analysing data on Abaaoud’s phone, which proved he did have links to Birmingham.

The report also said the terrorist boasted in an IS magazine that he was able to travel through Europe freely.

Salah Abdeslam, who is currently wanted by European authorities, may have also fled to Britain.

His involvement in the Paris attacks is still unclear but it is believed he dropped off the stadium bombers, abandoned his car in northern Paris and discarded a suicide vest in southern Paris.

West Midlands Counter Terrorism Unit is working with colleagues in London, security services and the National Counter Terrorism Network to lend support to French and Belgian investigations and deal with any terror threats that may arise in the UK.

Culled from news.com.au

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